03/08/2021: Dr. Hammad Naveed has been appointed as Director of Fast-NUCES Lahore Campus.
09/02/2021: CBRL is awarded a grant of PKR 13.68 million for the Digital Pathology project.
06/01/2021: Digital Microscope and Manual Whole Slide Image Scanner arrives from Germany. Installation and training was conducted at the lab. Dr. Ayub Alvi (Rector NUCES-FAST) formally inaugurated the device. Digitization of local pathology data begins.
01/01/2021: Dr. Hammad Naveed appointed Director Offices of Research, Innovation & Commercialization, National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences.
24/09/2020: COMSTECH Best Research Paper Award in Biology 2019, awarded to Dr. Hammad Naveed.
04/08/2020: CBRL presented their AI-based cancer diagnostic tool at the 1st COMSTECH showcasing of AI and IoT products and services.
01/12/2018: Sarosh Shahid secures fully funded PhD fellowship from National University of Emerging Sciences, Islamabad.
1/08/2018: Naeem Rehmat secures 3rd position in the Pakistan General Election Result Prediction Competition, which was organized by Deep-links and Sponsored by Red-Buffer and Ignite.
1/06/2018: CBRL secured a grant worth PKR 31.46 million for the establishment of Precision Medicine Lab affiliated with the National Center in Big Data & Cloud Computing (NCBR) for the HEC.